as always great
As always this serie brings some of the best episodes to Newgrounds. I definitely disagree with all the bad reviews submitted to this movie since I think this serie could grow even more. Great work! Keep it up! Check your email plz
as always great
As always this serie brings some of the best episodes to Newgrounds. I definitely disagree with all the bad reviews submitted to this movie since I think this serie could grow even more. Great work! Keep it up! Check your email plz
hey its me Eklobo. This serie is looking great man, the animations is 100% perfect and I think I agree with one of your other reviews, you are one, if not the best, sprite animator. Your movies are just great and the storyline is always awesome. Check your email and we can talk more.
i will
good animated comic
yea its a really good kinda comic,,i love the storyline and the graphics are well focuesed, my only suggestion would be : make the comic more aggressive cause the whole way i wanted to see blood and action
keep it up
wel there is action on the way but nothing overly bloody, im going to try and avoid a mature or adult rating with these... afterwards i may venture into the more macabre, i have another story in the process of being created, which is very dark and adult